The finishing touches
Sun: 11K @ 6:24 pace
Mon: 5.5K @ 6:33 pace
Wed: 8K @ 6.08 pace
We are now well into taper for this weekend's Gold Coast Half Marathon.
Saturday became a de facto rest day as we prepared for our party to
celebrate moving out of the Greater Western suburbs of Sydney. We had a
Westie Party. I dressed in a 10 year old pair of Lowes tracky dacks, a
black Metallica T-Shirt, a flanno and a pair of Ugg boots. I got a
mullet at Just Cuts especially for the occasion.
We provided VB & Passion Pop (and prepared enough food to feed a small
army). Our guests got right into it - even to the point of urinating on
our fence and starting a fire in our wheelbarrow. All in all it was an
excellent party.
One unfortunate consequence of the party was that a cold night in the
backyard worsened the symptoms of the virus that I was nearly over. The
policy then became to run on alternate days to minimise my exposure to
the cold mornings.
Since I had to clean up and feeling somewhat seedy, I did my Sunday run
in the afternoon. Considering the excess consumption of the previous
night the run went extraordinarily well. It was an easy run on light
Wednesday was an awesome run. I got out at 5:30 and just went at a pace
that felt comfortable. After warm up some of the K's were under 6:00 and
I felt the whole thing was at "conversation" pace.
My nose is still a little runny and I've still got some signs of the
"Love God" radio announcer voice that has come with the virus, but I
will be right for Sunday.
So the plan is to fly up tomorrow morning into Brisbane, spend Friday
and Saturday on a quick tour of DJ's Brisbane friends and relatives. On
Sunday we drive to the Gold Coast in the morning, I run the race and
cheer, rehydrate and replenish carbs (read eat and drink junk) for the
rest of the day.
I'm pumped.