Sunday, March 18, 2007

Operation SMH

OK, my next race will be after Digger is born (yay). I'd love it to be the race that takes me under 1:50, but it's the SMH and it ain't gonna happen there.

I've decided 1:55 is a good target for a bloody hilly run, so now I just have to prepare for it. This is where my rotundrum starts (rotundrum is a word invented by DJ and I; it's a problem that just goes round and round in your head).

My training week will be thus:

Sunday AM: Long run (15 - 23K)
Monday AM: Recovery run
Tuesday AM: Hard Session
Wednesday PM or Thursday AM: Hard Session
Friday PM: 12K with Marlz at a decent pace.

The Friday run is my weekly catch up with Marlz that needs to be a decent pace because he is quicker than me, and it wouldn't be much of a session if it was too short or too easy. It's pretty much the equal of what used to be my midweek long run - not ideal a day and a half before your long run, but that's the way my week works.

So the issue is that I have two hard sessions to fill in the middle of the week. I am preparing for a hilly half and keeping in mind that C2S is a target later in the year, so I think hill repeats might be a good idea (I'm also having some ridiculous thoughts about a race in March next year which may or may not feature some big arse hills).

The three sessions I'm trying to pick from are:

- hill repeats
- 1K or 400m intervals (my favourite speedwork)
- another 12K hardish midweek long run

At the moment I'm leaning towards intervals and hill repeats. They will take less time, but may leave me a bit short for volume. It also might be a bit too much intensity. I haven't done it before, so being an experiment of one, it could be worth a shot.

There is also the option to mix it up a bit, and I reckon I'll probably end up doing that. I'm also highly likely to miss a few sessions as things get to the pointy end of the pregnancy (which is pretty pointy at 35 weeks anyway).

One week after Weston Creek and I've eaten myself stupid. I allow myself a week of that, but it's down to it now. I had an easy 15K long run today, and I'm happy to call that the end of an easy recovery week. Operation SMH starts tomorrow.


Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Ben. From my often-injured viewpoint, I'm a bit scared of so much high intensity stuff, but you know your body better than I, so your the best person to make the choice.

You have a long run (slow, I trust). You have a Tempo run (Friday). Maybe for a while, just do another 'midweek long' on Tuesday and short/med intervals on Thursday. The idea is to continue to build base - too much strength or speed this far out is likely to be counterproductive (I think).

7 or 8 weeks out, gradually add rolling hills to Tuesday & Friday and add hill repeats to Thursday, and then 4 weeks out transition from hills to fast long (5x1 & 3x2k)intervals. Get shorter and faster over the last two weeks.

Or, better still, ask someone who knows... :-) :-)


p.s. oh, and make sure you have **50%** easy weeks, one in every four! Gnome's secret never-fail ingredient for good health (I wish)... :-)

10:17 pm  

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