Sat AM: Long Run. 20K in 1:57:30.
Sun PM: Bike, 30K @ 25.5kph
Mon PM: Recovery Run, 5K
Tue AM: Swim. 1500m - slow as a wet week.
Sleep: Fair
Weight: 77Kg
Another packed weekend socially had me opting for a Saturday morning long run. It was a good long run - I chose a pretty flat course and just pumped out 20 consistent K's - all within the 5:40 - 6:00 pace. It was a stock standard, nothing special long run, and I loved it.
After the run I had an awesome weekend going to a family reunion BBQ and spending time with a beautiful lady we will call DJ on this blog.
On Sunday afternoon I went ou for a short sharp ride on the bike. I did three laps of my usual 10K loop, but to make it less boring I went in the opposite direction to the way I usually go. I don't think I'll do that too frequently - there is a set of traffic lights with a right hand turn going this way, and the bike doesn't trigger the sensors in the road. This means that I end up running a red light right on the corner of Silverwater jail. Apart fromn this it was a quick ride, and a nice way to round out the weekend.
Monday was stressful day at work, with meetings with senior management and lots and lots of work, complete with a late afternoon dumping of "can you do this before you go home". I got out of work at seven, feeling pretty rotten.
Given that I'd only gone for a 30K ride on Sunday, the "recovery" aspect of the run was more recovery from work than running. To this end it worked a treat. I spent the first K feeling utterly feacal and ran it in 6:06. Then I started to let my mind wander, and halway through the last K I looked down at the Garmin, and I was running at 5:08 pace and felt pretty good.
This morning I dragged my sorry arse out of bed at 6:00AM and got up to the pool for three slow sets of 500m. A real nothing swim, but it's in the bank now.
I have been having trouble with water getting in my snazzy expensive goggles, so I've shifted to a cheap and nasty pair, and they are doing the job perfectly.
This week is a rest week. I'm really glad I've gone back to putting one in every four weeks - I'm feeling fresher than I have for ages - but the real test is on the 19th of March. So far I feel pretty good about it.