Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Pleasant Surprise

Run, 5K at at bit quicker than long run pace.

Yesterday was a rest day by virtue of the "no swimming" edict. We had our work Christmas party, on a school night - ludicrous! The party was pretty good. The company organised entertainment from a few special guests. The first of these was Tim Freedman. He played "No Aphrodisiac", some song of the forthcoming album and "Blow Up the Pokies". A very pleasant surprise. It made me think of Omni, unsurprisingly. The rest of the entertainment was hip-hop artists obsessed with the word "fuck". I went home.

I caught the last four overs of the cricket when I got home tonight (awesome) before heading out for an easy 5K. It was still too hot for comfort at 35°, but at least the sun wasn't melting me. I ran comfortably at a pace that was just a bit quicker than long run pace.


Blogger 2P said...

Quicker than long pace for a 5k will do Benny (I'd take it at the moment). Only a matter of time and you will be belting em out again terrorising the inhabitants of Rhodes :-)

10:42 am  
Blogger Tesso said...

Oooh yes, Om will be very jealous!

Must've been a late run, at least the temp had dropped to a balmy 35 by then :-)

10:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, insanly jealous, I'm sure that set the company back - Jak Housden (guitarist) offered to do my 18th for $200 and Tim is a tightarse so I'm sure that'd be more (That and I got a discount from Jak).

The new stuff sounds good - double album - Little Cloud and the Black ice of Manhattan.

9:17 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Enjoy Christmas, Ben; hope Santa is good to you!

12:57 pm  

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