Taking it easy
Fri AM: 4 * 1K Intervals @ avge 4:47
Sat AM: Ride 47k @ 27.4kph
Sun AM: SMC 10K. 58:04.
Mon AM: 5.5K Slow recovery
Tue AM: 10K in 59 minutes
Wed AM: 1150m Swim. Slow.
Thu AM: Run - 10K in 59 minutes. Bewdiful.
After taking advice from the three wise men (2P, Horrie and Gnome) I
have decided to slow my training down and rebuild slowly. I am using
2P's blog to get some hints.
I hadn't made this decision last Friday when I went out and busted my
lungs on four 1K repeats. I actually thought these would be slower than
they were, but the four repeats were well enough.
Saturday's ride was great. I did a figure eight around my new local
environs. I managed to do a figure-eight course that had two traffic
lights and very little interaction with traffic. I'm not a skilled
rider, so course safety is pretty important.
The SMC was disappointing. It's always great to catch up with the gang,
but I ran hard for a very bad time. It was demoralising when I realised
that it was at this race last year I cracked 50 minutes for the first
(and so far only) time. Sunday was over 58 minutes, and although I
didn't go flat out I reckon I could only go a little bit quicker.
Since then I haven't pushed myself in any of the runs. They have all
been just a bit quicker than 6 minute pace, but each has been a bit more
comfortable than the last. This morning I felt great as I pumped out a
real easy 10K in 59 minutes. I feel like my form is coming back, so I'll
just stick with running slowly, cross training once a week and doing one
speedwork session/race a week. I've dragged out my "Pilates for Runners
& Cyclists" DVD and I had a fifteen minute session during the week. I'll
try to build on that but I'm very slack at this.