Monday, October 01, 2007

My Body is Telling me Something

So I ended up attempting to do an easy ten on Saturday. Marlz and I took off at about six minute pace, but after 4K I was really struggling, and I felt like there was absolutely nothing left, so we jogged back to the start and I ended up with a very weak six kilometres.

My body is trying to tell me something and I think I've been a bit obstinate about listening to it.

So I have definitely pulled the pin on Fitzroy Falls, and I don't intend to run again until at least Wednesday. I want to give myself a full recovery before I embark on anything else.

I'll shift the focus to the Black Stump run on New Years Day, but along the way I'm going to start doing some training with the pram and I'm seriously contemplating having a go at a two hour half marathon with the pram (and John) at the Central Coast Half in December if the weather isn't too inclement.


Blogger Cirque said...

Note to Ben: ALWAYS listen to the body, even (or especially) when it's telling you something you don't want to hear!

8:13 pm  
Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Susie's been pretty wasted too, so you aren't alone. Hope your body starts telling you some nice things for a change.

On the CC half, is John old enough? I'm thinking that the ground is pretty rough in a few spots. Might be OK for a toddler, but...? Sorry if I'm being a party-pooper.


9:25 pm  
Blogger Jen said...

I'm sorry to hear that you still aren't well. But that's the thing about our bodies isn't it? they never take "I'm ignoring you" for an answer !

Take care of yourself & I hope you are back to your best very soon

9:36 pm  
Blogger Ewen said...

That's sensible Ben. Take it easy. Looks like a "half with pram" PB coming up.

12:16 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

I truly Understand what you're feeling, Ben. Better to take time out now, as I've had to do since Melbourne marathon, than take longer later. Thinking of you & hoping for the best.

7:05 pm  
Blogger Mouse_and_NTR said...

hey ben - when can we get a running commentary on the election for 07??!!

5:41 pm  

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