Monday, January 31, 2005

The ol' Stroke Correction Blues

Had a physio appointment first thing this morning. My limit has finally been lifted! I am now allowed to run 6K. Woo Hoo!

I missed the 6:30 swim squad this evening, so I just headed up to the pool for 1K of working on my stroke. There was a carnival on in the 50m pool, so I swam in the 25m pool.

My head was full of all of the tips I had been given in last Thursdays squad. So I set off, trying not to let my body drag, making sure my hands entered the water properly, trying to get my kick right.

I found that the longest I could swim was 200m without taking a break whilst thinking about all of this stuff. It just seems that every time I try to make my stroke more efficient I can't go anywhere near as far.


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