Friday, August 05, 2005

Intervals - Eleven!

Intervals: 10 * 400m with 200m rest intervals followed by 600m effort. Killer session

Last night the ITB felt really tight, so I hit it from every angle: stretch the smeg out of it, icing and voltaren with clingwrap (thanks for that tip, fellow bloggers). It felt OK in the morning.

I'll tell you something - It can be painful to overly rely on gadgets.

The plan for today's intervals was the same as last week's plan: 10 * 400m at the local oval. I jogged up there with the dogs and did a lap closing all of the gates before starting the first effort. The efforts were:

2:03 (blowout? me?)
2:01 (well, maybe)

I lost count very early. This meant that at the conclusion of the ten efforts, I started on my eleventh. It was at this point that Beth had found her way to the gap in the fence that did not have a gate and was wandering around outside the fence. This possibility had been a distraction throughout the session, and it meant I had to go fetch her as part of the effort. After about 600m with the Garmin not beeping at me I realised I was supposed to be cooling down, so I grabbed the lead and jogged back home.

I was a bit disappointed with the times on the efforts - I thought I was a bit quicker than that. I went bloody hard today - my HR hit 179, which is high for me. I felt smashed up all morning - a bit light headed and not quite with it. A good hard session.

The ITB felt a bit tight during the run and afterwards but not too bad. I should be fine after a good stretch and ice.


Blogger Ewen said...

That's a big session Ben - you probably should have stopped after the 2.03. Yes, you don't need gadgets to run! They are fun though - especially Garmins. Maybe back off the speedwork for a bit until the ITB settles.

10:39 pm  
Blogger Horrie said...

That's one tough session Benny.

Don't push it too hard as we don't want that ITB flaring up again.

3:28 pm  

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